Sesame Street & NPR: A podcast in partnership with Sesame Street and NPR about parenting during a pandemic
COVIBOOK: Use this free short book to support and reassure your young children in regards to COVID-19. This book is an invitation for families to discuss the full range of emotions arising from the current situation. Available in English, Spanish, and 20 other languages.
How To Talk To Your Kids About Coronavirus: This article from PBS Kids is inspired by Mr. Rogers’ who famously explained: “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting and less scary.” It provides great guidance on how to talk to kids about the virus in developmentally appropriate ways.
How to talk to your child about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): This article by UNICEF provides 8 tips to help comfort and protect children in the midst of COVID-19.
PBS for Parents: Kids Regressing? Help Them Cope With Stress During Coronavirus

My Kid’s School is Closed, So Now What? How do you support your children’s social, emotional, and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic? And how do you stay sane yourself in the process? This article shares helpful strategies for staying home and staying calm during the many days and weeks ahead.
PBS Kids to the Rescue! Introducing the PBS KIDS Daily Newsletter
As schools across the country are closing due to COVID-19, PBS KIDS is a great resource. Next week, they will introduce a new newsletter, with activities and tips you can use to play and learn at home with your child. From special episodes to recipes, and activities to crafts, they will share tips each day for your family to enjoy from shows like Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Wild Kratts, Pinkalicious & Peterrific, and more. Subscribe today to begin receiving daily updates Monday through Friday from your friends at PBS KIDS.
Scholastic: Free lesson plans and materials for parents to home school children (pre-K through 6th grade and up).
Audible: Audible is offering free access to audiobooks for children and teens. Audiobooks are available in seven different languages, including English, Spanish ,French, and more.
Virtual Field Trips: Take the kids on virtual fields trips to zoos, museums, and more with the links provided.
EdNavigator will post a daily update of “One Great Thing” to do with your kids each day.
Unite for Literacy offers hundreds of free children’s books online. Offered in both English and Spanish!
Boston Public Library: The Boston Public Library has digital resources for you and your family.

COVID-19 Resource Guide for Boston’s Immigrants – English: These resources, provided by the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement, are available to everyone, regardless of citizenship status.
Food Resources in Boston: Information on free breakfast and lunch sites for Boston youth and adults, as well as locations of food pantries and soup kitchens.
Food Resources in Chelsea: If you are in need of food assistance, please visit The Salvation Army Corps that serves your zip code area. Due to increased demand, food is available on a first come, first served basis. Certain guidelines may apply. St. Luke’s-San Lucas Food Pantry also offers emergency food every Saturday from 8:30 am to 1 pm. No appointment necessary to get the food. Located at the corner of Washington Avenue and Spruce Street in Chelsea.
Casa Myrna: Call for help anytime if you feel unsafe at home. The SafeLink toll-free number is (877) 785-2020. Advocates are bilingual in English and Spanish and have access to a service that can provide translation in more than 130 languages.
Rosie’s Place (889 Harrison Ave.) is currently open, providing lunch and dinner daily. Their food pantry is open Mon-Fri. Women can call the advocacy line (617-318-0237) for assistance with emergencies, referral for counseling and treatments, utility assistance, applications for housing benefits, and more.
Parents Helping Parents offers 24/7 support through their parental stress line. CALL: 800-632-8188
Expensify is devoting all of their resources to a new program: matching SNAP grocery purchases up to $50 per family. Click to find out more.
211 Resource Hotline: Resource hotline providing assistance finding food, paying housing bills, accessing free childcare, or other essential services. Visit the 211 COVID-19 Resource Page, or dial 211 to speak to someone who can help.
Comcast Internet Essentials, a low-cost home internet package for qualifying individuals and households, is now free for the first two months.
Access from AT&T is a low-cost home internet package for qualifying individuals and households. No COVID-19 reduction but still an affordable price.
Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA): If your job has been impacted by COVID-19, please visit the Massachusetts DUA to see if you qualify for unemployment benefits.
If you do not qualify for Massachusetts unemployment benefits, you may qualify for Disaster Unemployment Assistance through the federal government. Please visit their website for more information.
Dress for Success: Dress for Success is offering virtual career support (resume assistance, interview preparations, and more) plus support filing for unemployment benefits.
Dimock: Free COVID-19 testing at the Dimock Center if you or your loved ones are showing symptoms.
Brave of Heart Fund: The Fund is designed to provide financial support in the form of charitable relief grants to support the families of healthcare workers who lose their lives to COVID-19. In addition, Cigna behavioral health advocates will provide emotional support and services.

Salvation Army/Chelsea Pantry: Ayuda con viveres para las familias en Chelsea. Ciertas limitaciones/reglas aplican debido a la gran demanda.
St. Luke’s-San Lucas Food Pantry: Comida todos los Sabados de 8.30 am a 1 pm, el esquina de Washington avenues y Spruce Street en Chelsea.
Casa Myrna: Llame si se siente en peligro en casa. Numero gratuito (877) 785-220. Atencion en Espanol e Ingles y otros idiomas
FoodSource Hotline: Los asesores de la línea directa de FoodSource remiten a las personas que llaman a los recursos alimentarios de su comunidad y brindan información sobre comidas escolares, sitios de comidas de verano para niños, programas de comidas para ancianos y SNAP. Para encontrar recursos alimenticios en su comunidad, llame a la línea directa de FoodSource: 1-800-645-8333.
Rosie’s Place: Rosie’s Place, un centro comunitario para las mujeres, ofrece servicios para ayudar a mujeres que tienen hijos que asisten a las siguientes escuelas de Boston.
One Fair Wage: ¿Eres un(a) trabajador(a) del servicio que lucha en medio de la crisis del coronavirus? ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar!
BMC Programa de violencia doméstica: Llame al 617-414-5457 para dejar un mensaje en inglés, español o criollo haitiano en la línea principal.
HealthyParents.org: Nuevo coronavirus 2019 y cómo hablar con los niños sobre el COVID-19.
Lección de coronavirus BrainPop: Video y actividades para aprender sobre el coronavirus.
Consejos para usar la tecnología en familia durante la crisis del Coronavirus: Mientras millones de personas en el mundo están preocupadas por el Coronavirus y sus consecuencias, ten presente que la tecnología puede ser una herramienta para ayudarte a mantener el mayor nivel de tranquilidad posible.
Como hablar con tus hijos sobre el Coronavirus
Unite for Literacy: Esta organización tiene cientos de libros gratuitos para niños en línea que se ofrecen en inglés y español.
Cómo apoyar a los niños durante la crisis del coronavirus: Consejos para cuidar y proteger a los niños en el hogar.
COVIBOOK: Este recurso no busca ser una fuente de información científica sino una herramienta desde la fantasía y lo simbólico.
Dimock: Prueba de descarte gratuita de COVID-19, si es que tu o un familiar tiene sintomas

It is important to view trusted sources of information to keep you and your family safe. Find information here:
Massachusetts Government: The Baker-Polito Administration’s comprehensive plan to safely reopen the Massachusetts economy, get people back to work, and ease social restrictions while minimizing the health impacts of COVID-19.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
City of Boston: Text 99411 with the following key words to receive text alerts from the city:
BOSCOVID (English)