As 2017 comes to a close, Families First is proud to announce that we have received several new grants from local foundations. We are excited to begin or continue these important partnerships that make our work possible!
Grants from the Nordblom Family Foundation, the Philanthropic Initiative’s Cradle to Career Grants Program, and the Cabot Family Charitable Trust will all support the growth of the Power of Parenting program in the coming year.
A grant from Jane’s Trust will support the development, launch, and evaluation of a new Power of Parenting curriculum for parents of children from birth to age three. This new curriculum is powered by the Boston Basics Five Parenting and Caregiving Principles, and it promises to have immense impact on this new population.
On behalf of the families whose lives are transformed in our programs, thank you to all of the foundations and donors who support this work throughout the year. Together we can build a positive foundation for children’s success and make our communities stronger.