Program Overview
The Power of Parenting program includes interactive, skills-based parenting education and support during twelve weekly sessions. Programs take place at our partner sites — such as childcare centers or health centers — so parents can come together right in their own communities.
Parents and caregivers of children from birth to age 8 work with our experienced Program Facilitators to explore topics like…
- Children’s Temperaments
- Growth and Change in the Early Years
- Building Self-Esteem
- Resilience
- Language Development
- Positive Discipline
- Play As Learning
- Media and Brain Development
The program includes…
- SEVEN INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS where parents learn about child development and build their parenting skills
- THREE PARENT CAFÉ DISCUSSION SESSIONS where parents can share and discuss their experiences in small groups
- PARENT LEADERSHIP and professional development opportunities
- CONNECTIONS to community resources
- A GRADUATION where parents can celebrate their accomplishments with their community
Each participating parent is connected to the resources they need to reach their personal goals and set their family on a path to success, including:
Experiential course credits at Urban College of Boston
Jumpstart literacy programming for children at select program sites
Program graduation attire from Dress for Success
College and career guidance from Duet