Community Impact Project (CIP)
Examples of Past Community Impact Projects

Categories of Projects
Needs Assessment
Assessing needs in a community, for example, via a survey, interviews, conversations with the community, or by reviewing available data from public sources.
Any fundraising activities for the partner organization or a specific cause.
Resource Development
Creating resources to be used in the community, such as resource lists, toolkits, informational materials, and informational videos about a specific topic.
Community Events, Groups, and Services
This category includes events, groups, and services aimed at community members. Examples include events open to the whole community, parent support groups, parent-child playgroups, and a one-on-one support program
Expanding Parent Leadership Opportunities
A project intended to expand parent leadership opportunities. Examples include recruiting parent leaders to facilitate support groups, creating a parent council, and inviting parents to join existing councils.
Marketing and Promotional Activities
This may include reaching out to families to promote the partner organization’s existing programming and services via events, phone calls, flyers, social media, and news media.